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Year 1

Discipleship Essentials

What does it take to have an effective discipleship program?


  • Knowing God– During two weeks, students learn the “basic” concepts of who God is through-

    • Renewing the Mind– building a strong biblical knowledge base via detailed key components of Christianity and their scriptural sources

    • Experiencing God- building a strong relational knowledge of God through spiritual disciplines and biblical relationship concepts.

  • Living in Healthy Community- understanding what “healthy” Christian community is and how to grow this by knowing-

    • Created for community- God’s triune nature is relational and we are too

    • Building community- what are the needed components of community and practicing them

    • Expanding community- how we expand our community to others outside our existing community

Year 1
Year 2

Year 2

Contending for the Faith

This year’s “Knowing God” section is spent delving into difficult topics that the church has written volumes on and multiple Christian university courses are devoted to each of these subjects. Spending time searching various resources to understand what Christianity is all about, how to describe difficult topics such as: the Trinity; how do we know God, what God is/isn’t; who is Christ & the Holy Spirit; what is creation, sin, man, satan, etc; and other topics that make Christianity uniquely different from other faiths. This year’s “building community” unit deals with strengthening the first year (1 on 1) relationships they have built and then broaden to include another individual. In both cases, they are building these within the group of leaders being trained currently. Sharing experiences in evening debriefs help others to understand one another more deeply and trust one another. We see this as critical in discipleship before they begin to go out and work with others. Just as Christ walked with his inner circle for three years, here we are building that intimate relationship with a couple “inner circle” individuals.

Year 3

Year 3

Discipleship Essentials

Now that participants have dug deep in to the basics of the faith and how to clearly understand their faith in order to “know” how Christianity is unique, participants begin to compare what they have learned with “other” religions. Comparing the key topics of “who is God” or “what is salvation” to ways other religions see these topics is one of two critical topics in this third year. Knowing what another religion defines “God” as is essential if you want to converse with someone about God. This year is spent on these topics with great detail. So they learn how to use year 2 knowledge to see how different faiths may/do differ from Christianity. Understanding these keys in personal conversation helps to build bridges with someone from another faith. Entering in to the world of apologetics in this program is a natural building block into sharing faith and leading others to Christ as they pull the first two years together with this third year of reaching the world. In the “building community” segment, this year spends a great deal of time in two ways: first, understanding how to “listen” to what others believe and see where you can begin a conversation from and next really listening to God’s voice as he leads a person to “their personal” next steps in this discipleship journey. Not all are called to the same path, so listening is essential in knowing what role God may be calling a specific individual to pursue. This year spends a great deal of time seeking direction and defining possible next step roles.



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